How Females Choose Their Mr. Right
For most of us, the mystery of what attracts a female to a male has remained just that, a mystery. Many choose to believe that the possibility of love, common goals, and the heart are the key motivators that influence a woman in making her final decision on choosing her Mr. Right. Generally speaking, women are impressionable creatures that are driven by emotion. Due to Hollywood’s craze with love, romance, and cookie cutter relationships that fit the American ideal, women are being led into a search for idealism that may or may not exist. Due to women being highly impressionable, it seems that Hollywood films have manipulated their way into women’s minds and now they are running the streets in search for their prince charming or their personal equivalent to Brad Pitt. While this all may be true, some still choose to rely on a more verifiable explanation of how women choose their Mr. Right; an explanation that employs extensive behavioral studies.
Why Females are More Selective than Males
It has been said that women are far more selective in their dating and mating choices because of their limited supply of eggs. The female reproductive system limits the number of eggs a woman can produce in order to conceive, while their male counterparts are able to produce an endless stream of sperm. Since females have a limited supply of eggs, they have a lower chance of reproduction than males. This explains why men are more frivolous when it comes to short term and longer term mating choices, because they really have nothing to lose. Additionally, since the beginning of time men have proudly worn the title of the provider and protector. Because of their strength, men are expected to protect their fragile women and children and provide food to put on the table and a roof to go over the family’s head. It is undeniable that times have changed and women are far more independent in this age than they were in the cave ages. But, when it boils down to basics, women in 2009 choose their Mr. Right on the same principles that women in the cave ages did.
Pertinent Links
· Body language- Learn 7 body language secrets that attract women.
· Language of Women- 50 things that women wish you knew on your own without them having to tell you.
· What Women Want from Men- An eight page article covered by The New York Times detailing exactly what women want from men.
· What men find attractive in women- It’s time to turn the tables and decipher what men find to be attractive in women.
· 10 Wrong Men- This article details the ten types of men that women tend to find extremely unattractive.
· Top 10 Ugliest Male Celebrities- A list of the top 10 male celebrities that women consider to be very unfortunate looking.
· Top 99 women of 2009- A countdown of the top 99 most attractive women of 2009. The women were ranked by over 10 million male voters.
· Irresistible- An in depth article detailing what men and women find irresistible in each other.
· Haircuts- A list of the top ten male celebrity haircuts that women find most attractive.
· What Women Want- An article detailing what women want from the men they are in a relationship with, written by a woman.
· How to Attract Women- A humorous video tutorial detailing how to attract a woman.
· Symmetry- Women find symmetrical faces attractive.
· What women find attractive in men- A list detailing what women find attractive in their potential mates.
What Attracts Women to Men
Plain and simple, women are attracted to men that are masculine. As mentioned above, women are attracted to men that can provide for them and protect them. The physical features that women find attractive in men are strong jaws, pronounced noses, broad shoulders, defined muscles, bright eyes and a full head of hair. If a man possesses each of these traits, he is considered to be the ideal “physical man.” However, not all women choose their Mr. Right based solely on looks. Nowadays, women are making their decisions based on both the personality and physical factors. Women want men that are honest, personable, considerate, unselfish, and who have a successful career. On another note, there has been doubt as to whether women choose their mates based on instinct or imitation. In the 1990s Scandinavian researches conducted a study to determine whether females are attracted to certain males based on their instincts or by imitation. The study determined that females favor males that have lots of female attention as opposed to the males who have a shortage of female attention.
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14 years ago
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