Four Signs Your Relationship is Moving Too Fast
You may think your new romance is perfectly paced. But are things really moving too fast?
Credit: Cristina Chirtes | © The definition of "too fast" in a relationship is typically subjective. Some people who are accustomed to the dating scene often claim to know exactly what they're looking for. Divorced people also claim that their status makes it easier to weed through potential dates. In short, every person has a timetable that he or she is comfortable with. But regardless of whether your new romance develops in three days or three months, there are usually some signs that things are moving too quickly for either party.
You Have Completely Forgotten Your Friends
It is natural for you to want to spend just about every waking moment with your new love. But if you haven't spoken/texted/called any of your close friends or family---and, you didn't even realize it until it was brought to your attention—-then you might be falling too hard, too fast. Like a kid with a new toy, people are often blinded by the exhilaration of a fresh relationship. Taking some time to cultivate things is normal. But if you're completely unconcerned with the goings on of your loved ones, perhaps you should come up for air just a bit.
You Get That Nervous "Roller Coaster" Feeling...A Lot
You know that feeling you get when you're about to plunge down the first big hill on a roller coaster? You believe that you'll make it through the experience in one piece. But in the back of your mind, you know that things could go horribly wrong. Ultimately, this is what fuels your excitement. The same thing could be said about relationships. Falling in love is exciting. But you should pay close attention to this "teetering over the edge" feeling, especially if it occurs quite frequently. A few butterflies in the stomach is normal. But when that sense of impending "doom" lingers too long, it might mean that you're still not quite sure about the other person...
You Suddenly Realize That You Know Very Little About Him/Her
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